Full name: Bartosz Kowalski-Banasewicz: Composer, arranger, performer,,member of Polish Composers' Union graduated from the F. Chopin University of Music in Warsaw (Poland) in prof. Marian Borkowski's class of composition (first class honours).
He is the winner of several composer's competitions: eg.: K. Serocki International Competition, G. Fitelberg Composer's Competition, K. Szymanowski Composer's competition (ZAiKS), T. Baird Competition, “Musica Sacra” competition, Nationwide Composers Competition for Students of Music Academy in Poland, among others. He received twice The Minister of Culture and Art Scholarship (1997, 2006) and ZAiKS Scholarship (2006).
He is the winner of several composer's competitions: eg.: K. Serocki International Competition, G. Fitelberg Composer's Competition, K. Szymanowski Composer's competition (ZAiKS), T. Baird Competition, “Musica Sacra” competition, Nationwide Composers Competition for Students of Music Academy in Poland, among others. He received twice The Minister of Culture and Art Scholarship (1997, 2006) and ZAiKS Scholarship (2006).
Film Music:
Bartosz Kowalski is also a film music composer who wrote music to the several short movies directed by Alicja Pahl, Slawomir Berganski, Agniesza Sujka, Eric Joyce. Two films with his music was presentented at Camerimage festival. As an arranger he has worked for Waldemar Malicki (symphonic arranges for Polish Television’s TV shows), for polish saxophonist Alina Mleczko (La Fiesta CD).
Festivals / performances:
Bartosz Kowalski's compositions were performed at various festivals in Poland and abroad, among others at: ISCM World Music Days (Music Biennale Zagreb 2005), Warsaw Music Encounters Festiwal, Generacje (Generations) Festival, „Musica Polonica Nova” Festival, Warsaw Autumn Festival (youth composers group), at “Audioart” festival, at “Laboratorium” festival, many times at “Gaude Mater” fesival in Czestochowa, and many times at “UFM” festival, and at 45th anniversary of Experimental Studio of Polish Radio in Warsaw.
List of the Bartosz Kowalski's: prizes:
2007 - II Prize in Szymanowski Composer's Competition (ZAiKS)
2006 - I Prize in G. Fitelberg Composer's Competiton for Symphony No. 2
2005 – I prize in the First International Competition for Young Composers „Musica Sacra” for Resurrexit for mixed choir
2005 – honorable mention on 3rd National Composers Competition „Vox Bazilicae Calissiensis” for „Swiatlosc” for mixed choir
2004 - Prize for hymnal of the Suwalki Town
2003 - I Prize (ex aequo) I Prize (ex aequo) in the 43th Tadeusz Baird Competition for Young Composers for Stadium for string quartet
2002 - I Prize (prize of JM Rector of Academy of Music in Warsaw) in the First International Composers Competition for Students of Academy of Music in Poland for Brass Quintet
2002 - IV PRIZE in the 8th International K. Serocki Competition for Composers for "Symfonia Okregow" (Symphony of the Circles) for orchestra
2001 – I prize in the 6th Competition for Young Composers „Musica Sacra” for Lacrimosa for 16-voices choir
2001 - I Prize (ex aequo) in the 43th Tadeusz Baird Competition for Young Composers for „Sny o przeobrażeniach materii” for tape (electronic)
2000 - I nagroda (ex aequo) in the 5th National Competition for Young Composers „Musica Sacra” for "Sanctus" for mixed choir
1999 - I Prize (ex aequo) in the 41th Tadeusz Baird Competition for Young Composers for Studium Przestrzeni na wielką orkiestrę smyczkową
1998 - III Prize in the 6th National Cometition for Young Composers in Tarnow for Etiuda for piano quintet
1998 - honorable mention in the 3th National Competition for Young Composers "Musica Sacra" for „Zdrowas Mario”(Ave Maria) for mixed choir
1998 - II Prize (1st was not granded) in the 3th National Competition for Young Composers „Musica Sacra” in Czestochowa for "Domine Deus" for mixed choir
1997 - II Prize (1st was not granded) in the 5th National Cometition for Young Composers in Tarnow for Tchnienie Wiosny (breath of spring) for string orchestra
1997 - honorable mention in composers competition for bugle-call of the Szymanowski Music School in Warsaw
1997 - Grand Prix, Apollo's Chariot and a scholarship in the 5th National Andrzej Krzanowski Competition for Young Composers for Domine Jesu for mixed choir
1996 - honorable mention in the 4th National Cometition for Young Composers in Tarnow for "Strings Quartet No 1
1997 - Artistic scholarship of the Minister of Culture in Poland
2005 - ZAiKS Scholarship
2006 - Artistic scholarship of the Minister of Culture in Poland